STRENGTH | Supply Hope


supportOur in-country team in Nicaragua is strong. They demonstrate each and every day the strength and resilience that inspires and influences us to find ways to impact the future of many lives in their communities.

Strength is not necessarily determined by sheer might, but rather, the weaker of us who stand in the face of adversity, rises to the call of injustice, or reaches for the hope of a brighter future. With Supply Hope we are finding ways to unite our resources with unmet needs and find the strength to lift lives out of poverty. With the average daily income of $2 per day or less, we are giving the strength of resources needed to partner with our team, seeing their inner-strength, determination and courage to raise store operators income to $8-$10 per day. This may not seem like a lot but it can make a huge impact on the lives of families in Nicaragua.

Will you come and stand with us in this effort? Will you empower our team to achieve more? Will you be a strength to those who need it?

We hope you will – and we thank those who are already showing what real strength looks like!