Having a strong and diverse team is essential to the success of any organization. We each have unique gifts and talents and when we are effectively using those gifts within the framework of a team – we can accomplish much. And, when you are working in an area outside of your gifting, it can be very difficult. In the beginning phase of Supply Hope’s micro-franchise project, we looked at the many causes of poverty and in particular why small market shops were often unsuccessful. We learned many things. For example, many shop owners had no business experience or training. They often had received several micro-loans attempting to build their business but without proper training they found themselves back where they started. More often than not income was used to pay for the immediate needs and not put aside for buying new products and…the cycle continues. This is when we discovered the term “necessity entrepreneur”. These were people who were running businesses out of necessity and not out of desire or gifting – there were no other opportunities for them. So when we began to develop a Supply Hope micro-franchise, we did our best to address some of these issues. To mention a few, basic business training is provided to all franchisees before they open their stores; products are delivered to the stores on a weekly basis, allowing the stores to remain open instead of having to close for hours to shop for the lowest prices; Supply Hope is able to buy in bulk so prices are lower and profit are higher; store operators are paid a commission on their sales, so their pay can be used as needed. Also, with a franchise you do not have to be a gifted entrepreneur, you simply have to follow our guidelines and training. We have an excellent team in Nicaragua working hard to provide training and follow up and to equip our franchisees to be successful. Our vision is to see our franchisees providing their children with an education, adequate housing and safe, healthy food and water. Jim Collins stated in his book Good to Great, “Great vision without great people is irrelevant.” Well, we believe that our vision is relevant and we are extremely thankful that we have a great team!